Remote learning at Shaftesbury has been developed over the last year using a blended, multimedia learning approach in case the school is closed or when groups of children are unable to come into school. Our Remote Learning Policy, also on the school website, has further details about the remote learning at Shaftesbury and how we keep children and staff safe when using online learning.
If individual pupils are self-isolating, they are provided with remote learning that mirrors exactly the same learning that would be happening in their classroom. With meaningful and ambitious, well-sequenced learning, including feedback provided online or by phone that will enhance further the learning objectives.
Online learning closely follows the school curriculum and children are timetabled to make sure that all curriculum areas are covered and there is progression in the work the children complete. All units of work have well sequenced lesson allowing fluency of learning.
In the first few days of closure
Children are used to working online from home on homework tasks set on Google Classroom weekly and using platforms such as Purple Mash, Timetables Rockstars and Numbots. Children access Google Classroom from home and have the appropriate login details to do so. In the first day or so of school closure, children are expected to access this online learning. The school will be open daily and the admin team will be working closely with families to ensure all children are accessing their lessons.
Children may also be given learning packs, which mirror the curriculum, to complete in the early days of closure while we ensure pupil engagement on our remote platform is maximised.
Longer term learning
Children will start following an adapted timetable, available on the website. This covers a normal school day and combines face to face lessons using Google Meet and watching pre-recorded video clips from teachers to support their independent learning. Subjects such as Music, Mandarin and PE are taught, online, by specialist teachers. All lessons are designed to be accessible at home with resources which are easily available.
The school is working hard to make sure that all children have access to a computer or a device and a working internet connection. The school loans equipment and distributes computers from the DfE laptops scheme and their own supply within the school. Loan agreements have been formulated with those families who need them.
Children, who are not yet able to access online learning, are provided with hard copies of the teaching materials used in the online lessons. If children cannot access lessons in either format they are asked to come in to school.
Weekly phone calls from school staff to parents make sure that the arrangements are working and children are accessing learning successfully. The call to families also acts as a wellbeing check and parents can be signposted to other services through school or outside agencies to support them if needed. The school is in constant communication with parents via the parental communication platform ‘Marvellous Me’.
This provides additional feedback to families on their child’s progress with regular updates and rewards.
Engagement and feedback
The school expects all children to take part in sessions, either at home or in school, following their timetable, which is uploaded on the website under each year group. Parents are expected to help their child to set up routines to support learning at home. Parents are encouraged to contact the school if they need support or advice in doing this. We acknowledge that for some pupils an individualised timetable may be necessary depending on circumstances and needs of the child.
The resources on Google Classroom allow teachers to provide detailed feedback to work that is submitted, there is constant dialogue between pupils and teacher with feedback. The Google Meet live sessions allow feedback to be similar to children being in school. Verbal feedback is given in real time and online work is marked by the teacher when appropriate. Through the online learning platforms, children are able to engage with the teacher and also with their peers. An additional adult is also present in the live meets answering any questions on the Google chat.
The development of language is crucial at all ages and this creates further opportunities for pupils to engage and develop in this area at a time when home learning circumstances prevent daily language acquisition. Children are regularly rewarded through certificates and other positive behaviour rewards.
Teachers continue to assess children’s learning throughout a school closure, both to inform their planning and to ensure that all children are continuing to make progress. Pupils are also made aware of their progress through feedback.
Parents are kept up to date with their child’s learning through phone calls and access to Google Classroom and the school’s website where they can see the planning and content of lessons beforehand.
Supporting children with additional needs
We recognise that some pupils, for example pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults in school and at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
Parent Support
Wellbeing Wednesday
Expressing Yourself Through Art
Activitives and Support
60 Wellbeing Activities for Children
5 Minute Fun – For Children Stuck Indoors
Place2Be Resources and Ideas